Friday, July 26, 2024


Macedonia is an example that humanity still cannot find a mechanism for a sustainable “limited democracy”. A typical example of how Macedonia found itself on the so-called “European road”, in a battle with Athens, Sofia and Brussels. Three wolves and a sheep, sitting at the table, will decide what will be for dinner?! If Aesop were alive, he would write a fantastic fable from our case, to be told for millennia after us, naturally treating us like animals, in his own style.

Author: Katerina Topallova

Based on the statements of the main political actors in the country, the next two weeks will probably be the hottest this summer. Processes and deadlines, mathematics and calculations… In the coming period, the history embodied in the scenario of Prespa will repeat itself brutally again, or will we finally be able to overcome the tyranny with all its governing lips, demonstrating maturity and determination in making political decisions, regardless of their weight?!

Let’s recall! What really happened with the Prespa Agreement and the undemocratic change of the constitutional name in the Macedonian Assembly?! The lesson of all that “democratic tyranny” is that it basically never lasts. And it has its faults, inconsistencies and vices. She also knows how to get hurt and tired. All theorists of “democracy” agree that “there is no democracy that has not committed suicide”. The same with the Macedonian one. Leaving space for today to live and create a future, created by typical processes of tyranny (in the true sense of the word).

Precisely the Macedonian case with Prespa brought to the surface all the fragility and hypocrisy of democracy, revealing a big misunderstanding, that democracy is not a form of tyranny?! What has been absolved for a long time by regulation theorists is that democracy is either a tyranny of the majority (in the case of the first Macedonia) or it is an oligarchic amoeba with a stamp of populism (in the case of the North Macedonia of others). ?!

But where is the individual, where are we common people in all this game of thrones?! I think that during this period we will again be put to a great temptation, where all our dignity will be put to the test?! To follow the idiotic ideology of an academic personality center or to follow the idiotic ideology of the majority. A choice that will require serious consequences!

Wasn’t it Plato? Who said a benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government? Vote for me and there will be chocolate on every plate! However!

In the absence of reforms, institutional erosion, bipolarity of power beyond the unitary character of the state, knee-jerk prosecution and massacred judiciary, complete anarchy in the political scene, in which it seems from the moon that the prime minister has no control over the Government and the processes and that someone another pulls the strings behind the cameras, it becomes quite clear that the legitimacy of such a government has expired and every new day of such a ruling policy will be a great torture for them as a government, but also for us as a population. All this as a prelude to a new tyranny in preparation – the announced constitutional amendments! I sincerely hope that I am wrong and such predictions will only be a déjà vu of that Prespa tollovia in the Parliament, which completely stripped us before the democratic world, but also stripped European-American democracy, along with ours.

Democracy dies as soon as the majority of the population realizes that they cannot vote on “things” that affect both the individual and the collective, or that such decisions are not respected. Macedonia is an example that humanity still cannot find a mechanism for a sustainable “limited democracy”. A typical example of what Macedonia found itself on the so-called “European road”, in a battle with Athens, Sofia and Brussels. Three wolves and a sheep, sitting at the table, will decide what will be for dinner?! If Aesop were alive, he would write a fantastic fable from our case, to be told for millennia after us, naturally treating us like animals, in his own style. I’m writing this and I’m reminded of Orwell’s Animal Farm, so we fit in wherever there’s room to poke fun or make a serious message – how should we!

The creation, level and presence of civil society keeps the story of successful governance alive. Any lack of such a concept seems destructive, as in our case. But why is that so? Considering the authoritarian history of Macedonians and over Macedonians, in which the whip and the boot played a major role, it will be difficult to create a political and even social balance of what essentially means “between” democracy and tyranny . We live it, unsuccessfully! Macedonia, unfortunately, has become synonymous on a global scale with how a democratic dream is killed. Or as Winston Churchill would say: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” 

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