Friday, July 26, 2024


We are aware that Macedonia is very far from everything that implies European values… General criticisms and negative evaluations in certain areas, such as in the fight against organized crime, corruption, the prosecution and the judiciary, as well as in the institutional reforms, are real, but we must not forget that precisely such deviant phenomena in Macedonian society and institutions have been and are directly stimulated by our strategic partners and European friends.

Author: Katerina Topallova

The arrival of senior diplomats in this case – the ministers of several European states, to convince us and assign homework, what and how to do in order not to remain “isolated” is neither serious, nor disturbing, nor more respectable. By “isolated” we and they obviously mean – “not to miss the European train”, of course not in the true sense of the word – “isolation”, which was used by the media as a kind of intimidation, because if it were, then it would be more than disgusting and embarrassing for them, and less for us – bad students who need to be pushed into a corner. But still, their finger was pointed at those same students and they were reprimanded in public as disobedient and hot-tempered.

So, can we be “bad students” when we do everything as we are told?! Even about those things that we are not allowed to talk about and that is exactly what they have spent their millions on. So let them not ask where their well flowed from, they should be aware by now that our well has no bottom! So be more careful next time, not with the amounts, but with the choice of friends!

I remember those forced press conferences, when the same European politicians came to Skopje to convince us to change the name in line with Prespa, and the desolate Angela Merkel could not stand it, moving on the spot, as if she couldn’t wait to leave the unwanted company in Skopje, because even in terms of caliber, skills, reputation and honesty, the environment did not suit her… However,! When we see today similar characters who come and convince us to change something else this time, and for the same purpose – the beginning of the negotiation process with the European Union, thousands of answers are lined up like a tower of cards, for all those questions from the past Euro-tours, which we calculated seriously.

Even the most naive saw the tactics of exercising this kind of political pressure and with a dose of cynicism and humor to the point of mockery convey it to the public. After all the promises and defeats from Prespa onwards, regarding our EU membership and the complete isolation of Macedonia in terms of internal tasks that do not apply to any other member state, they legitimately open a series of questions about the democratic capacities of the European Union and the double standards used against us?!

We are aware that Macedonia is very far from everything that European values ​​mean… General criticisms and negative evaluations in certain areas such as the suppression of organized crime, corruption, prosecution and judiciary, as well as institutional reforms, are real, but we must not forget that exactly such deviant phenomena in Macedonian society and institutions have been and are directly stimulated by our strategic partners and European friends.

Their every coming, conditioning and persuading us to do something contrary to democratic values ​​and principles, was our modus vivendi and our guide to the promised land… Clearly, we learn very well from the best, who basically stuck us in quicksand, deep into which we have sunk and it will be very difficult to get out. This unenviable position, in which we found ourselves, speaks more for us than for them. But we must bear the blame all the same. Therefore, they should not be surprised at all, because the evaluation of the Union among Macedonians has fallen drastically and new alternatives are increasingly being sought.

Wise people not only don’t do stupid things, but they also don’t listen to stupid conversations. As a confirmation of the stupidity that we signed, negotiated and now have to implement through constitutional changes, I would like to see the expression on the face of the Slovak minister, if someone asked him this question: would he feel very proud and happy if, in the accession negotiations of the Slovak Republic with the European Union, Slovakia was forced in the most brutal and manipulative way to change the preamble of its constitution and before “Kirill and Methodius” to add “Bulgarian educators”, accepting all the Bulgarian historical fog! We all know the answer… It’s obvious: unacceptable… That’s right, some things are unacceptable. 

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