Saturday, July 27, 2024


Deepfake is created by taking a real video or image of a person and combining it with someone else’s voice and face. The result is a realistic but completely fake video or image. The potential uses of deepfakes are many, and they are already being used to manipulate public opinion, blackmail and damage the image and reputation of various individuals or organizations.

Auhtor: Sefer Selimi Jr.

 In the digital age we are accustomed to an ever-increasing flow of information and images that can be easily manipulated. Now, with the advent of deepfakes, the potential for media manipulation has risen to a whole new level. Deepfakes are a new tool being used to create realistic but fake videos and images to spread misinformation. Deepfakes are created using artificial intelligence and can easily be used to create fake news, manipulate public opinion and even influence elections. This new form of media manipulation is proving to be a powerful tool for those who wish to spread false information and is becoming increasingly difficult to detect. As deepfakes become more sophisticated and widespread, it is important to be aware of the potential for misinformation and take steps to ensure that the news or information we are consuming is accurate.

What are deepfakes? Deepfake is created by taking a real video or image of a person and combining it with someone else’s voice and face. The result is a realistic but completely fake video or image. The potential uses of deepfakes are many, and they are already being used to manipulate public opinion, blackmail and damage the image and reputation of various individuals or organizations.

How deepfakes are used for disinformation – The manipulated image or video may not be immediately apparent, so it’s important to be aware of how these fake images and videos are created so you can identify them and avoid being scammed by theirs. One of the most common ways to create a deepfake is to combine someone’s face and voice with an image of someone else. Voices can be changed to make them sound more or less authentic and facial expressions can be changed to make it look like someone is saying something they never said. For example, the image and voice of a politician can be combined with an image of another person to create a video in which the politician appears to say something he never said. In the following link you have a classic example of a deepfake video: These altered images and videos can be used to spread false information such as conspiracy theories, statistics or fake news.

The potential consequences of deepfakes are huge and they have the potential to have a huge impact on society by damaging businesses or social relationships and causing people to lose trust in all media. They can be used to create fake news, manipulate public opinion and change people’s perceptions of events as well as discredit certain people or organizations. The spread of misinformation is a serious problem that can have real-world consequences by causing public panic, prompting people to take inappropriate actions and reducing trust in public institutions.

With the advancement of artificial intelligence and technology, deepfakes will be a real challenge and problem in the future, especially by actors with bad intentions who will misuse them to cause harm, therefore, just like fake news and disinformation in overall, it is extremely important that the whole society commits to increase the public’s skills through media education as one of the best and most long-term ways to protect themselves.

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