Friday, July 26, 2024

For bashi-bazouks, paramilitaries and political mercenaries

Author: Sefer Selimi Jr.

Now that the ranks of the party armies are clashing with militants, paramilitaries and party mercenaries for the expected confrontation of April 12, appear the initial strategies of the political opponents. The first battle has just begun on online social networks, and the armed bashi-bazouks with the first party #hashtags and slogans are testing the battleground expected to get tough in the coming weeks. Political camps are heading towards the final position as their leaders’ tents are already set up. Following are the latest conclusions of the alliance built on the principle: ” The enemy of my enemy is my friend ” – despite the cost to be paid even in the case of an eventual victory and the possibility that after the end of this battle where old allies will convert into new enemies.

In politics, especially in areas where political culture and collective consciousness for the general good are lacking, decisions are made solely based on individual and momentary interests, without the uncertainty of what the long-term consequences will be for the decision makers themselves. The taste of victory is so tempting that 

”for the bride’s rage, we kill the son” and ”for a flea, burn the whole hut. ” But who precedes this battle:


  1. Bashi-bazouks – are the lowest level of party soldiers, individuals who enjoy little privilege secured by the party and with aspirations to rise in the rank after victory. They spare nothing of their character and with swearing, insults and offending attack anyone who is not with them, even though they may not even be against them. Most of them are functional illiterates that cannot end up a single logical paragraph, and their swearing is full with linguistic mistakes and with no punctuation. These are the first ones you can find in comments, opponents’ statuses and below any news praising the leader and the party. Sometimes among them you may find even educated, pseudo-intellectual unfulfilled and professionally failed, whom frustrations of their failure always attribute to someone else, of course to the opposing party.
  2. Party Paramilitaries – They are semi-political professionals coming from other professions, mainly having direct contact with broad masses of the population through their primary professions. They conduct the war mainly in guerrilla style with camouflaged attacks, either through third parties or through false profiles. Their primary role is to disseminate mass information to the rest of the army by keeping their morals alive and supplying them with complete information against the political enemy. The information is mostly half-truths that fuel conspiracies and increase the dose of hatred for the opponent and the key principle is ” bad news is always better news”. Their specialty is to create a sense of collective depression, despair, and hopelessness, and to use the tactics of “throwing the stone while hiding your hand”.
  3. Party Mercenaries – Are mostly low-caliber intellectuals who have earned their professional achievements from the party. These are at the top of the task of finding excuses for all failures, bad policies, and wrong decisions. They do not mind even when they consciously lie to the public and know that everyone knows that they are lying. For mercenaries the truth does not matter, the price matters. For them it does not matter what the consequences will be, privileges matter. Their calculation is accurate because it is done with mathematics, with numbers, and the excluding constant is always the truth.

   There are other important and less important regiments in the party armies but they all have their role and importance in the battle for power. In the coming weeks we will see tactical moves by generals who are putting the finishing dots on their strategies to bring victory to the leader in their political camp tent. We will talk about the spoils of war after its end.

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