Friday, July 26, 2024


And in the end it will turn out that we are all working to put a part of our saved pennies, euros or dollars into the party coffers of DUI, which is mercilessly grabbing in all this political blindness. It is clear that they do best in chaos, which they themselves create. Time will tell if it is intended or not, and until then we will wait, cold-bloodedly looking at the entire list of firms and companies that are donors of the “greens”, which are devouring the state tenders.

Author: Katerina Topallova

In the constantly changing battlefields of European geopolitics, we are more than aware that Macedonia’s “struggle” for membership in the European Union (EU) manifests itself with a series of complex conversations, changing approaches and constant demands for compromises. As Macedonia is facing the complex EU accession process, it is currently involved in a nuanced interaction with the European Union. Although this desired partnership offers potential for economic growth, stability and respect for democratic principles, it should be noted that the same is slowed down by the many current obstacles and demands of some of the EU member states, whose demands are increasing and in progress. And how realistic, practical and democratic are the same demands? Things we still experience on our skin. Most likely, it seems to be a surreal process, the positive expectations of which are diminishing more and more every day.

The country has been working for years, is working and will work to harmonize its legislative, judicial and administrative structures with EU standards and principles, but it seems that these years are without result and with disastrous effect. Although Brussels often reminds us that these reforms are essential to securing membership of the Union and were intended to bring the necessary transparency, accountability and rule of law, however, progress on this front has been disappointingly slow and manipulative, and the country’s political landscape is it is still marred by rising levels of corruption, nepotism and a lack of real commitment to reform.

Yes! Reforms are necessary and necessary – a sentence that we often hear in public, and this time it was uttered recently in an optimistic tone, after which we were all left pessimistic. Not because we don’t want to trust Borel, but when such courage comes from an outgoing Eurobureaucrat, it doesn’t promise much. We are behaving in vain! Although those of Macron, the reformists, act much more seriously and it should be understood exactly like this. Is there room for caution? Of course…

What we are witnessing in Ukraine is a clear example of how a more powerful neighbor who wants to assert his dominance over a neighboring country abuses his power. Likewise, Bulgaria’s positions and activities towards Macedonia are causing increased tension and tension, and the poison darts from the political level have descended to the lowest possible level… Social media. Hate speech, as much as the soul wants it…Politicians in both countries are careful, those in Sofia are tactful, with occasional random provocations of a historical character, but also promises that there will be no new blockades, if the Bulgarians. are included in the Constitution. Such a game is obvious and transparent in view of the French gift (of the Danes), which our incompetent and above all inexperienced policy swallowed like a pill for a headache.

Unlike them, Macedonian politicians from power, first of all, even if they know the meaning of the word “politics” and do not equate it with “business”, they hope for the heavy machinery from the other side of the pond, in order to suppress and to ground the opposition. Undoubtedly, the rulers are hesitating how to continue until regular elections and not to lose their rating, because it is already too late for capital projects.

While the two Macedonian political parties debate whether there will be a change to the Constitution or not, whether there will be early elections or not, somehow they do not notice that they are drowning in their own short-sightedness. No one gives guarantees and no one tolerates rape! Well, an Edi Rama and Aleksandar Vučić are better known in the Macedonian political scene than this Macedonian political minutiae that passes us daily and drowns in new or improved scandals. In any normal European country where we claim to be allies, such political figures and businessmen would have found themselves in the dustbin of history.

And in the end it will turn out that we are all working to put a part of our saved pennies, euros or dollars into the party coffers of DUI, which is mercilessly grabbing in all this political blindness. It is clear that they do best in chaos, which they themselves create. Time will tell if it will be taken into account or not, and until then we will wait, cold-bloodedly looking at the entire list of firms and companies that are donors of the “greens”, which are devouring the state tenders.

Well, if it wasn’t them – it would be others, the guardians of the soul will say… This is not albonophobia as a prominent minister would say, but only caution before the great wave that will drown us all.

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