Saturday, July 27, 2024


Journalists are traditionally very careful about what they publish. There are many cases when journalists discuss with the authorities what they should and should not publish in order not to cause harm. In Macedonia, the radicalization of journalism must finally happen, to the extent that there is no longer such care and consideration when deciding whether or not to publish secret information, because the misuse of political office is more than obvious by politicians below average Macedonian.

 Author: Katerina Topallova

Are there secrets that the public has no right and should not know?! So, in a democratic society, we vote for the governing structure that will take care of our personal and collective security, and not to talk about the interests of the state, of course. The secrets that the government hides from its people, with a single purpose, the protection of state order, regulation and security, are always justified in the social aspect, but if the government deliberately and in an organized manner hides and works behind the backs of its own people for personal benefits and interests of individuals, things related to certain criminal actions of elected officials or politicians, then there are no excuses. There must be responsibility!

The evidence and all the documentary material published by the IRL in its latest research project “Murder in Tetovo” – the construction of modular Covid-19 hospitals, has exposed all the abominations, vileness and manipulations associated with the first people of the state as well as the general incitement and struggle for maximum abuse of state positions and functions by them, systematic theft and social positioning for the purpose of personal enrichment. All this, where it is done on the backs of citizens or, even worse, on their suffering, is ultimately monstrous, shocking and for the strictest, public and institutional punishment.

But what is the difference between what we as a public knew about the case and what we learned from the IRL story? IRL journalists argued for everything that was said to be a public secret, everything that we as a public knew, but with all our apathy and constant shocks caused by the dysfunction of institutions in many areas and on many important issues, we failed, adequately articulate it in public.

Journalists are traditionally very careful about what they publish. There are many cases when journalists discuss with the authorities what they should and should not publish in order not to cause harm. In Macedonia, the radicalization of journalism must finally happen, to the extent that there is no longer such care and consideration when deciding whether or not to publish secret information, because the misuse of political office is more than obvious by politicians below average Macedonian.

An independent judiciary and prosecution are bound to ensure and play the ultimate game in which everyone will play by the same rules, even the rich and powerful. In reality, the prosecution and the judiciary play a formal role as defenders of the core values ​​of society and are a source of consistency during periods of political instability. But in general, governments in Europe, where Macedonia is not an exception but a long established rule, try to control their prosecutors and judges. It is this kind of combined dual power partnership, evident in the IRL story of modular hospitals, that undermines democracy and weakens our fundamental rights.

The complete erosion or crown of this kind of forbidden love between the government, prosecution and justice, I don’t know how many times it has shown its insidious and corrupt face, which we have been used to seeing for decades as an ugly image that should remind us all the immorality, unethicality, unscrupulous logic and dishonesty of these institutions that not only directly threaten human rights and freedoms, but gradually become the gravedigger of the state order, consciously bringing the state to the brink of collapse and an objective potential for more games big manipulative geopolitics.

The power of money is so great that it blocks reason and metastasizes into the mind.

But such revelations and actions are only the beginning, by no means the end, in order to be effective in the fight against the oligarchy in Macedonia, which has proven to be the greatest harm and enemy of the citizen and the state, at the expense of the state. of their personal and business interests.

Although we are not yet able to prevent cancer, such journalistic research promises us that through the frequent disclosure of facts and arguments, we at least operate continuously as a public on all their metastases that will appear in the diseased body of the state.

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