Friday, July 26, 2024


Precisely, in this context of unknown phobias, the arrival of Kurti in Skopje and Tetovo was decided, demanding the punishment of the organizers, in the name of only a folklore transparency in the crowd, completely harmless, during his reception, while despite from the political interpretations that can be made of this visit, it was completely correct and cultured without any incident. These phobias of the bearers of the institutions and certain forces that multiplied the idea of ​​the threat to the security of the state are easily rejected by Kurt’s own speech in Tetovo, which emphasized that Macedonia is a good neighbor, with which Kosovo has excellent cooperation economic.

Author: Bardhyl Zaimi

North Macedonia’s state phobias towards any Albanian cooperation have deep roots and come back every now and then like relapses of a bygone era. Over time, especially during the communist period, Albanians have either seen state structures as internal or external enemies. The phantasmagorias of the past seem to be creating misplaced impatience even now. In the name of these phobias, people have been condemned and dragged into the corridors of “informative talks”. A logic that constantly sought to discipline the Albanians in the name of state security, which in fact was nothing but the state “hygiene” of ideological phobias.

Precisely, in this context of unknown phobias, the arrival of Kurti in Čair in Skopje and in Tetovo was decided, demanding the punishment of the organizers, in the name of only a folklore iconography, completely harmless, during his reception in Tetovo and in Čair, while regardless of the political interpretations that can be made of this visit, it was completely correct and cultured without any incident. These phobias of the bearers of the institutions and certain forces that multiplied the idea of ​​the threat to the security of the state are easily rejected by Kurt’s own speech in Tetovo, which emphasized that Macedonia is a good neighbor, with which Kosovo has excellent cooperation economic.

As it is already known, Kurti visited Çairi with an agenda announced for the inauguration of the road named after “Adem Demachi”, Mendela of Kosovo and the Balkans, to whom the European Parliament gave the Sakharov Prize on December 4, 1991, considering him as an indomitable fighter for freedom of thought and defender of freedoms and human rights. Also, Kurti visited Tetova for a concrete cross-border cooperation project, such as the project for the opening of the Tetov-Prizren road, which creates opportunities for the development of mountain tourism between the two countries and is in the spirit of European cross-border cooperation.

Kurti’s visit is not the first in North Macedonia, nor is it the first visit of a prime minister of Kosovo or Albania, or the prime minister of any other neighboring country. We live in a different period of democracy and the visits should be considered as normal in the spirit of cooperation without creating from these visits “gogols” for aggressive narratives of unknown “instabilities”. Politically, anyone can see the visit as they want, which remains part of the debate in public opinion, but not with unknown phobias and hysteria of nostalgia for the practices of a bygone era of discipline, which are actually anti-European.

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