Friday, July 26, 2024


From theoretical education to practice! Clean account! Charter flight to Sofia, medical care, re-education, preferably an apartment or a villa near Sofia or somewhere on the Black Sea, all accompanied by a photo session with the Bulgarian head of state… And finally they will pack us up and this time they will return us as a future ambassador of peace!

Author: Katerina Topallova

Good thing he wasn’t beaten by a Macedonian, most would say… Otherwise we would expect repeated dramas from neighboring Sofia, in defense of Bulgarian self-esteem in Macedonia, which suddenly began to take on strange proportions?! For us maybe strange, but for them – the creators, I would say everyday… Chapter from the manual – how to successfully spread hate speech.

Should we be concerned about the case of the beaten Bekir Kadrioski? The Ministry of Internal Affairs will certainly not remain indifferent to another “Pendikov case” in Macedonia… We know this for sure, especially after the immediate reaction! As well as the complaint that it is about ethnic violence, and exactly ethnic violence is a form of political violence that is motivated by ethnic hatred and ethnic conflict. But can we find such a thing in Kadriski’s case?!

It seems to have become a practice, especially among the members of the Bulgarian clubs in Macedonia, to become more and more often victims of violence, as a result of physical confrontations with a foggy and insufficiently crystallized background, and all with the sole purpose. – to provoke hate speech and possible future advantage in justifying any future veto. From theoretical education to practice! Clean account! A charter flight to Sofia, medical care, further education, possibly an apartment or a villa near Sofia or somewhere on the Black Sea, all accompanied by a photo shoot with the Bulgarian head of state… In the end they will packing this case for us and returning it to us as a future ambassador of peace!

Not only do Macedonians not use the word “bastard” in their everyday vocabulary, at least the Albanians in Macedonia use the same word when they want to verbally abuse someone… I’m talking about those five from Veleshta and Struga who beat him and belittled the beaten, who complained about this kind of ethnic violence in the main Bulgarian media, which in turn raised another alarm alla Pendikov. Albanians beat Bulgarians in Macedonia, in the name of Macedonians?! Okay, but the tracks don’t lie. How far will this well-thought-out schizophrenia go, which will have to open and close chapters, we’ll see?!

To make the game more exciting, those who are most called are shown, who said: Russia causing incidents in the Republic of North Macedonia is destabilizing the Balkans! Chameleonism that only the original can envy! The biography of the president of the Strugan club fits the story perfectly. I am not talking about Kadriovski, but about the one from Haskova… The misguided Europeans must be explained once again the difficult attitude of Bulgarian politics and society towards Macedonia, with the full right of veto, until Macedonia is in the same position as with Greece, kneeling before all Greek demands. This is what Bulgaria’s wet dream looks like in public. The rest we are dealing with is nothing more than common folklore, in which “Shemeto” and similar clubs throughout Macedonia have mushroomed, precisely for these things. To create problems…

Poor Bekir, he went so far as to sell his centuries-old Bulgarian origin to us as autochthonous, original, and not as newly recognized, which actually suits him. But I wouldn’t want to go into detail about someone’s privacy and intimacy. Knowing only that it is from Labunishta, the story is clear.

“Time gives us all an opportunity to change, to change our belief system and create new perspectives that challenge a person’s character and teach them how to become a happier and wiser person.” This opinion seems to be the most appropriate for the given occasion, said with complete irony.

With all the doubts, ambiguities or expectations and predictions, the main question that we all have to answer is how to face in the future such and similar provocations, which from individual become social, problems that can initiate even interstate incidents?! Yes! We know how to get angry at small provocations, so we always obey big evils!

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