Friday, July 26, 2024


What we should all learn from this meeting lies in the simple idea that Albanian parties should not have a complex to meet together, nor with other leaders of the region, especially with the prime ministers of Albania and Kosovo, whoever is in charge of them. , because our ties are inseparable not only in the cultural aspect, but also in the family and social aspect, but always avoiding folkloric and pathetic nationalism, meanwhile our Macedonian fellow citizens must be freed from the fear and paranoia that the Albanians, especially the Prime Ministers of Albania and Kosovo works against the interests of North Macedonia.

Author: Sefer Selimi Jr.

The news that Edi Rama invited the leaders of the Albanian political parties in North Macedonia for a festive lunch on the occasion of the beginning of the new year spread quickly and deeply shocked the political scene in the country. Within 72 hours, I alone gave more than 20 interviews to almost all the national media in North Macedonia and Albania, where curiosity and interest sometimes turned into cynicism and often into paranoia about what this meeting will bring, although the Prime Minister of Albania and the parties Albanians had announced the opinion that it is a protocol meeting with a festive character. But why all this interest?

– The first and what for me was and continues to be disturbing is the fact that almost all media in the Macedonian language prejudged with a fear to the point of paranoia what this meeting will produce. Even in reactions on social networks to a large part of our fellow Macedonian citizens, especially in various nationalist circles, the meeting was presented as a conspiracy to destroy the citizenship of North Macedonia, and that there would be a conspiracy to undo the foundations of the state. Normally, in part, this stems from the Albanophobia deeply rooted in their subconscious, which sometimes erupts consciously and sometimes is a naive reflex, but for the opposition parties that still breathe with nationalism and other actors who have an interest in the tensions and instability of the state, this it was an ideal occasion to “prove the continuing Albanian danger” and the “Albanianization of Macedonia”. Of course, these remain only paranoias not based on factual reality because the Albanian political parties in North Macedonia are autochthonous, independent parties that have authentic agendas, programs and goals for the voters, especially for Macedonian Albanians, and their action is completely legal. acting and submitting requests within the institutions of the system. After all, meetings that conspire against a state do not take place with invitations and public dinners.

– The second, which is closely related to the first, these reactions that often resemble public hysteria only occur when Albanians are in question and I am sure that they would be similar, if not even stronger, like this meeting to have happened in Skopje without the presence of the Prime Minister of Albania. But there have never been such reactions when the leaders of the Serbian party in North Macedonia meet, have dinner or coordinate directly with Vucic. There are even fewer reactions to the Turkish parties that are in constant contact and coordination with the Turkish authorities in Ankara and Istanbul, and that Ankara often through the Turkish embassy speaks and decides about the fate of the Turks in North Macedonia. So, we are dealing with a mentality that cannot be separated from the past and where Albanians must eternally “prove and prove their loyalty” to this state, a state in which they lead with a significant part of the institutions, they are an element constitutional and in many cases a guarantee for its security and prosperity. And to make the paradox even greater, the reactions are against an Albanian prime minister who had the courage to speak and reprimand the European Union, especially Bulgaria at the expense of its own interests, for the unfair and undignified treatment of North Macedonia, mainly to the Macedonians.

– The third from this meeting was the rejection of the Besa Movement, which, marginalized within the walls of the Tetovo Municipality building, saw it as a golden opportunity to impose itself on the general discourse and factor itself. However, I think that this was a serious mistake that will cost a lot to this party and its leader, because by refusing to sit at Edi Rama’s table, he will end up in the lap of Hristijan Mickovski, who competes with “The Left” on who will be more anti-Albanian.

What we should all learn from this meeting lies in the simple idea that Albanian parties should not have a complex to meet together, nor with other leaders of the region, especially with the prime ministers of Albania and Kosovo, whoever is in charge of them because our ties are inseparable not only in the cultural aspect but also in the family and social aspect, but always avoiding folkloric and pathetic nationalism, meanwhile our Macedonian fellow citizens must be freed from the fear and paranoia that the Albanians, especially the Prime Ministers of Albania and Kosovo work against interests of North Macedonia.

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