Saturday, July 27, 2024


What is that functional democracy, what are those institutions, if someone from outside faces internal crime?

Author: Katerina Topallova

Macedonia has existed since ancient times, Macedonia is more ancient than the sun, Macedonia is an ancient country, but the desert cannot cope with the worms that eat it from the inside. Nationalism spreads easily among hungry people, patriotism is the best medicine for a pain you don’t want to face.

Teams of experts from the USA will protect us from the harams of the country. The Prime Minister initially said that he agrees with Ambassador Ageler’s statement, on the other hand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Osmani, boasted that they have requested the arrival of American experts who will deal with the Macedonian illegality. How can you trust these people that they know how to take us to the EU, that they know what is best for our future, that they know what plan they need to make for the country to move forward?

Well, if you know the problem, half the solution is already found. But we’ve never been less smart, it’s just hard to let go of easy theft. Who ran away from beauty? Likewise, our politicians, are they fools who run away from “happiness”. And we still vote for them, we entrust them to take as much as they need and when they need it. And those deserters have no measure, so now they will be happy that someone will come from outside and tell them that they are stealing!

Instead of making statements about how happy they are with the team that will do their job, they should put their heads down, because this is yet another evidence that partisanship has become a trademark of this country, because the only criterion for being political parties are “successful” and that it is impossible otherwise. All competitions for employment in state institutions are tailored for relatives and friends, competences have neither been nor will be a reason for someone to get the job. One person is on ten administrative and supervisory boards, parties create judicial and prosecution councils, leadership positions are given to people without a single day of experience, but our politicians are happy that foreigners will hunt corruption.

Well, it’s a shame to underestimate people in any way possible, even with stupid statements. The war must be started from within, to raise morale and awareness for something obvious, because the people are naked and barefoot. Because there are neither Albanians nor Macedonians who like it when you rob them senseless.

We have no hospitals, we have no defense, we have no schools, we have no system and they will pretend to be happy that someone else will deal with their corruption. They have been in power and in opposition a hundred times and have agreed on only one thing – theft!Për cilat institucione funksionale na flasin nëse njëzëri thonë se është mirë që ekspertët e huaj ta shohin turpin tonë. Dhe, çfarë kur do të thonë se kush ishte hajduti? Si përfunduan ata që u etiketuan deri tani? Kush është në burg?

A proverb says – the raven did not take out its eyes from other raven!

Let’s hope that this disgrace ends peacefully and there is no new government of experts who will advocate a political compromise to hide the dirty deeds of the local elite. Let us hope that this foreign battle will bring us a domestic benefit! I’m ashamed, but I hope! I hope all this does not end with two fingers raised for constitutional changes!

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