Saturday, July 27, 2024


The features of this new face of totalitarianism are absolute aggressive thinking, extreme intolerance, guillotine discourse, arrogance, simplistic language that resembles Orwellian language, everything that strips the individual, the human being of the higher qualities of a rational entity. within which an enlightened constant of humanity and dialogue lives inseparably. This kind of totalitarianism no longer comes from above, from a totalitarian-minded protagonist, but instead comes from below as an amorphous mass eager to annihilate everything that comes before it, everything that can come out of those unchecked scumbags in freedom square, in the square of thought and argumentation

Author: Bardhyl Zaimi

Totalitarianism does not have only one face, it does not have only one tangible manifestation as we are already accustomed to recognize in the great totalitarian systems such as fascism and communism. Totalitarianism can appear at any time even without any “protagonist” who describes his own “authorship”. It can appear casually as a banal form inspired by the ideology of nothingness. Inspired by the epic magnificence of vanity, of the brutal manifestation of ignorance that tries to take its “deserved” place in the public space, where ideas, knowledge, projects and above all humanity should usually be present as the essence of any political action and social. And this brutal totalitarianism of futility, aggressive to the point of annihilation, can now easily invade the public space through the omnipresence of social networks. This omnipresence now gives the fatal force to the new face of totalitarianism which is recruited by the thirst for appearance, for prominence, for greatness from a vast mass of people who are all around to judge, lynch and attack every thought that it may be otherwise, that go beyond the averages of vanity and beyond the hypocritical pact established with itself and with all that represents public opinion.

We are already in this daily “hell” that is kept burning with insults, with labels, with everything that implies the disqualification of the other as a separate mental subject within the scope of freedom defined by democratic rules. The all-logs have taken over the country, while everything that is not according to them must be attacked, destroyed, and possibly put on public trial. Morality is determined by this amorphous mass, which seeks to manifest itself with shouts of totalitarian marches, with the voice of sophisms and algorithms that recognize only two states: black and white. Every other color must be attacked, must be despised, must be annihilated to keep the shackles of human captivity intact.

The features of this new face of totalitarianism are absolute aggressive thinking, extreme intolerance, guillotine discourse, arrogance, simplistic language that resembles Orwellian language, everything that strips the individual, the human being of the higher qualities of a rational entity. within which an enlightened constant of humanity and dialogue lives inseparably. This kind of totalitarianism no longer comes from above, from a totalitarian-minded protagonist, but instead comes from below as an amorphous mob eager to annihilate everything that comes before it, everything that can come out of those disgusting and invisible manacles in the square of freedom, in the square of thought and argumentation. It is the crowd defined by Gustav Le Bon, it is the mass of idiots defined by Eco, it is the plebeian mentality that attacks anything that may be outside their mediocre perception, outside their scheme, outside their physical culture of hatred that is imprinted for every day on the small screens of smart phones, laptops or computers.

Perhaps we mistakenly thought that social networks can offer more communication, more dialogue and more democratic space and civic participation. It seems that everything is ending in raw unfiltered thoughts, in a kind of paradiscourse that seeks at all costs to impose absolute truths, truths that in no case pass through the filters of reasoning.

Despite this omnipresence, the public space remains empty, without an articulated opinion on certain issues, on certain causes, on everything that implies normal democratic debate and a plurality of worldviews. Public opinion has been reduced to insults and insults, ideas have been replaced by aggressive objections, as Konica would say without understanding anything. In a word, we have a chaos of public space, where the crudest forms of disqualification and blind rhetoric vegetate that offer nothing but a vanity that floats in the bottomless sea of ​​ignorance that does not want to admit that it is such.

It is time to rebuild the public space with relevant thinking, with real sensitivity that reveals another horizon of patriotism, citizenship, culture and existence in the conditions of a future world that requires knowledge and creativity as the basis of sustainable development. Otherwise we will continue to hum in fragments of futility, in the swamp of ignorance that produces only hysteria and depression!

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