Friday, July 26, 2024


It is a public secret that the contests opened by the institutions are a farce and that the seats are more guaranteed for the militants and party activists of the parties that are in power, whether at the local level or more at the central level. It is a public sect, even less hidden than the leadership positions in all state agencies or bodies are allocated and given through the party key. It is a public secret that more than your personal qualification, sound ambitions or individual skills, the rank in the party list is worth, and it depends on how the chief of staff during the election period, the head of the sub-branch, the head of the branch and finally the priority evaluate you. clan or your potential to bring or keep votes for the party.

Author: Sefer Selimi Jr.

n the results of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy – North Macedonia research, 6 out of 10 young people have declared that they want to leave the country. 7 out of 10 young people have declared that the governments (local and central) partially or not at all take care of them. So, when we add to this our personal experience from witnessing the massive departure of young people, everything makes sense – young people do not love this country and want to fight to find their happiness elsewhere – away from their hometown. In modern times of globalization, the movement of the population, workforce and professionals would seem normal, but here in our country this is not driven by the search for better opportunities, but by the desire to abandon this rotten government system that stinks now and at least 30 years.

If in the time of Yugoslavia, but also in the first years of the state’s independence, among other factors, the main driving factor was the financial one, while today the main driving factor is the parties that have captured the state system and put it at the service of interests narrow clienteles and lucrative that stem from greed for quick and easy enrichment. The latest scandal with the state-owned company for the management and control of civil air traffic M-NAV, where the competition for new hires has been called into question because, in order to continue further education, they did not pass the exam chosen by the party, but young people from others who were more skilled and prepared, is a classic example among dozens and hundreds of other cases that happen continuously.

It is a public secret that the contests opened by the institutions are a farce and that the seats are more guaranteed for the militants and party activists of the parties that are in power, whether at the local level or more at the central level. It is a public sect, even less hidden than the leadership positions in all state agencies or bodies are allocated and given through the party key. It is a public secret that more than your personal qualification, sound ambitions or individual skills, the rank in the party list is worth, and it depends on how the chief of staff during the election period, the head of the sub-branch, the head of the branch and finally the priority evaluate you. clan or your potential to bring or keep votes for the party.

This matrix of thought and action has killed, kills and will kill in the future any healthy ambition that a young person may have developed. This system of capture and rape of the governing system has stifled every will and desire for loyal competition based on individual professional merit. This kidnapping of the state by the party has desecrated any prospects for career development through work and dedication and has opened a wound in society that will be very difficult to close, if indeed one day it will heal.

However, it is not impossible to get out of this dilettantism and party arrogance that rapes this society. One day they will be forced to definitely find the political will to make the necessary reforms in the public administration and the election criteria to be respected, because no matter how naive it sounds, in fact this governing system is unstable in the long term and it is approaching its peak, so it will either have to improve or it will self-destruct.

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