Friday, July 26, 2024

We are the only danger to the language

How many of the projects of the Institute for Macedonian language are financed by the state? How many employees does the Institute have? How many students enroll in the Department of Macedonian language per year? How many lecturers are employed in the Macedonian media? There is no greater danger than neglecting a language! Language, like everything else, is loved by the deeds!

Author: Каterina Topalova

These days, the current topic is the Macedonian language. After all, he is a constant subject, but there is rarely time to talk about it.

It is absurd for me to get into any controversy over whether or not the Macedonian language exists. It is even more absurd that people who write, “I still don’t know” who do not know the difference between “understand and comprehend”, politicians who use “contribution” instead of “provide” in their daily speeches, discuss its existence.

On May 5, the day of the Macedonian alphabet, leaders of major political parties and political actors rushed to send messages, accusations and incitement to the language. To say how much they love it, and how much they fight for it.
These same people will convince me of their “love” for the language and the struggle they promise only when they invest in it. When they invest in the fund of words from the Macedonian language that they use every day, when they use it properly and in the end – when they invest finances for its development.

Many politicians do not respect the standard norms of Macedonian language. In certain countries of the world, not everyone can become a deputy if he or she do not know that norm. In our country, law does not prescribe such provisions. This should be addressed systematically, within the legal provisions. Politicians should take special care of the standard Macedonian language, because they are representatives of the people. They should be an example of concern for the application of the Macedonian language.

How many of the projects of the Institute for Macedonian language are financed by the state? How many employees does the institute have? How many students enroll in the Department of Macedonian language per year? How many lecturers are employed in the Macedonian media? There is no greater danger than neglecting a language! Language, like everything else, is loved by the deeds!
Language is a powerful tool for preserving and developing a nation’s identity. Its promotion and expansion are necessary to protect the cultural traditions of the world, which strengthen understanding, tolerance and dialogue between nations. Language care is a sacred obligation for all of us of all generations.

Language is a continuity that will always follow us and will last as long as we exist as living beings. That is why it is a permanent obligation for every citizen to nurture, protect and love him with all the characteristics and beauties it possesses.
Language is the primary means of communicating, conveying thought, and understanding between people. The nationalities are identified only through the language, who are they, where they come from are best identified. For Macedonia, the Macedonian language is a basic national feature by which we are recognized in the world.

Language is a matter that cannot be negotiated or discussed. As long as we talk about it, it exists. In addition, we will speak it only if we learn and nurture it, if we invest in it and research it. Everything else is cheap daily politics.

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