Friday, July 26, 2024


The bloody April 27 event remains a black mark of memory, a totalitarian attack on democracy, an attempt to install and legitimize violence in institutional and democratic life. The bloody April must finally serve as a wake-up call to no longer tolerate in any case the totalitarian ideological concept that conceive within themselves the shouts of politically inspired crowds, which brutally strike the space of democratic freedom and at the same time the human being as a subject of politics.

Author: Bardhyl Zaimi

Authoritarian powers are usually fueled by ideological totalitarianism. In the name of ideology, everything is allowed, because these powers claim to possess the ultimate truth without the slightest doubt. Totalitarian ideologies, in addition to aiming to control the present, want to brutally control the future and the past as narratives of power.

Usually such powers sanctify party ideology, while controlling aggressive discussions of dissent, of all that represents the “other” as a concept in the public and democratic space. The “prince” in the Machiavellian sense is the unit that gathers power through totalitarian attachment. This creates a totalitarian unit that produces exclusive and aggressive discourses. This is how aggressive Para political ideologies are created that require, as Gjergj Konradi says in “Antipolitics”, malicious hatred towards the other that is different as a mentality or ideological construction. The culmination of such discourses claiming the absolute truth is political violence. Violence exercised in the name of the infallibility of the one who conceives of populist sentiments and irrational hatred.

Such was the regime of former Prime Minister, Gruevski, which escalated into the April 27 violence in parliament, where the leader of Alliance for Albanians, Zijadin Sela and SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev suffered the most. The April 27 bloodshed is the inhumane roar of an ideology imbued for a decade with aggressive discussions of the “other” as a threat to the absolute truth proclaimed by the ideological unit. The bloody April event shows how far ideological madness can go, always fed with hatred for the “other” as a “threatening” entity that must be annihilated. April 27 is the extension of fatal discourses on the annihilation of the “other” as a political, national and social entity. It is the last authoritarian intoxication that “sanctifies” the truth alternated in the violence of the mass muscles that in ecstasy seeks the “other” to annihilate even as a physical entity.

The bloody April 27 event remains a black mark of memory, a totalitarian attack on democracy, an attempt to install and legitimize violence in institutional and democratic life. The bloody April must finally serve as a wake-up call to no longer tolerate in any case the totalitarian ideological concept that conceive within themselves the shouts of politically inspired crowds, which brutally strike the space of democratic freedom and at the same time the human being as a subject of politics.

In the light-shadows of this event, which then did not find the right sanction from the justice system, for known and unknown reasons, already categorizes a categorical imperative to emancipate and humanize politics in the light of pluralism, freedom and democratic norms. This bloody April event remains a permanent lesson for the local political environment, a lesson in rejecting the marches of aggressive ideologies inspired by the tops of political Olympics, which come in waves as discourses of power that consider human beings to be puppets or the target of violence and annihilation.

This article is a lament precisely on this bloodbath of politics, a lament for the time of the great fall that in no case should be repeated. In addition, a humane message to return to politics and democracy freedom, human dignity, the dimension of normality and values as politics is permanently conceived in European theory and practice.

Maybe we will finally understand that politics is the square of human ideas and practices, the square of competitive humanized discourses and not the arena of aggressive totalitarian discourses that produce violence. We hope that this will not happen again and that finally North Macedonia, political actors, but also the whole society will enter another matrix of political, cultural and social affirmations that put the human being as the epicenter of any progressive development.

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