Friday, July 26, 2024

Cannibalism means eating people; yet there is no word for the human flesh that was scattered on the streets

It is very important to awaken! It stinks! The human flesh eaten by stray dogs while we are watching television. The pressure must not stop after the elections! The culprit must be found! To be sanctioned! Unless that happens, no one will be able to feel any smell, because we will all be rotten!

Author: Katerina Topalova

At a press conference, Mayor Shilegov said that medical waste without being processed and sterilized by a company plant was deposited at the Drisla landfill, and inspectors of the City of Skopje have a video recorded in December that was immediately handed over to the Public Prosecutor. They presented videos and photos where you can see wandering dogs eating human remains and blood that then flowed into the sewer and into the river Vardar.

But the State Inspectorate supervised the factory plant on December 12, 2019, where with the proceeding it was stated that the company was operating in accordance with legal regulations and permits given. Extraordinary controls will once again identify any irregularities and then present them to the public.

In a land where everything is news, disgusted from such an information could last up to 2 days! It will be forgotten by the next court hearing on any case where there will be a theater with the lowest vocabulary. How do you get here?

First, systematically you brake the education system. You stumble generations in that way that they have no power to think with their own heads. Then with the help of the media you make false priorities, defocus the public and then easily strip them down. The poor people become addicted. They sit at home and watch TV. Television offers what someone else is serving. Meanwhile, outside of the metal box called television, reality is happening. The poor ones become owners of large companies with huge turnover of means. They make blurry deals for big money. This happens in every possible field.

While the partying is on TV, the links in the chain are cut off and it cannot function. The crowd becomes clear when nothing is left of the chain. 

Is it too late? 

And yes and no! Once we can feel the smell of rotten meat, it means there is still a receptor that works. It is important to stay awake! Is it difficult?

It is well known that sleep dominates those who do not have enough oxygen! They sleep longer and become more obese, pure biology. 

It is very important to awaken! It stinks! The human flesh eaten by stray dogs while we are watching television. The pressure must not stop after the elections! The culprit must be found! To be sanctioned! Unless that happens, no one will be able to feel any smell, because we will all be rotten!


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