However, within this political plan, it seems that we already have two opposing concepts, moving in two parallel worlds. One concept aimed at constitutional changes and the continuation of the path to the EU and the other concept stuck in the rhetoric of populations that do not show signs of being involved in these changes, despite the fact that such a thing has been requested all along by EU representatives -‘s. Precisely, tomorrow the representatives of these two parallel worlds are expected to sit at a table to talk about a possible way out. Expectations for a spectacular consensus remain dim. Despite the fact that Prime Minister Kovacevski has emphasized that the elections will be regular, if this meeting does not produce a solution to the political deadlock, it may produce a “silent agreement” for a new “trial” of electoral legitimacy.
Author: Bardhyl Zaimi
The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristian Mickovski, will start a meeting with Prime Minister Kovacevski tomorrow with strong positions not to let go of constitutional changes, namely the inclusion of Bulgarians in the constitution, which is one of the conditions for the continuation of Macedonian talks. of the North with the EU. Meanwhile, Mr. Mickovski has also called for a government of “national unity”, which means a government of the two largest Macedonian parties, somehow excluding the Albanian political parties, which so far have not expressed themselves regarding this idea. of the leader of the Macedonian opposition.
All polls by prestigious international institutes show Mr. Mickovski’s party as the most popular in the Macedonian political camp, while the ruling SDSM seems to be floundering in depressing percentages, while continuing to promote the idea that constitutional changes should be made so that the country to continue with the process of integrations, namely the opening of chapters in talks with the EU. Probably, the agreement with neighboring Bulgaria, but also earlier the name agreement with Greece, have shrunk the party of Prime Minister Kovacevski in the Macedonian electorate.
But, not only these two agreements, within the time of SDSM’s governance, many corrupt affairs have also appeared, which have influenced this party to lose confidence in the Macedonian electorate. There are several other factors that have placed this party in front of a continuous electoral contraction. Silent factions within it led by strong actors in the past have also influenced the weakening of Prime Minister Kovacevski’s party, but it is estimated that a part of the SDSM electorate is aligned with the “Left” party, which stands out on the scene. political for its apparent anti-European orientation.
In short, this is the landscape of political life in North Macedonia in the Macedonian camp, where there is already, without a doubt, much greater support for the opposition party VMRO-DPNE, which has consistently emphasized that it is against constitutional changes, regardless of whether Macedonia of the North may lose the chance to continue on the path of integrations. It is said that politics, among other things, is also a matter of discourse, and precisely through a populist discourse, VMRO-DPMNE has managed to establish itself among the Macedonian electorate, among Macedonian citizens, among whom, according to all the latest surveys, Euroscepticism has increased.
It seems that North Macedonia is once again in front of a great test, in front of a momentum that implies its strategic orientation in the coming period. It has already been emphasized that voting on the constitutional changes remains a prerequisite to unlocking the way for the continuation of talks with the EU. But, on the other hand, we have the strong positions of the Macedonian opposition, which, regardless of the price that can be paid, remains positioned against the constitutional changes.
As it is already known, the deadline to make the constitutional changes is until the end of this year, but the political dynamics so far do not give much hope that the largest political parties in the Macedonian political bloc will be able to reach any consensus to take them forward processes. Meanwhile, the political parties in the Albanian political bloc, all without exception, have pronounced on the necessity of constitutional changes as a necessity to continue the path of integrations and to keep the European course of the state intact. In the framework of these changes, AA( Alienca for Albanians) and Besa Movement have emphasized that they will commit to the end for the change of the 20 percent wording in the constitution, namely the replacement of this wording with “Albanian language”
However, within this political plan, it seems that we already have two opposing concepts, moving in two parallel worlds. One concept aimed at constitutional changes and the continuation of the path to the EU and the other concept stuck in populist rhetoric that does not show signs that it can be included in these changes, despite the fact that such a thing has been requested all along by EU representatives -‘s. Precisely, tomorrow the representatives of these two parallel worlds are expected to sit at a table to talk about a possible way out. Expectations for a spectacular consensus remain dim. Despite the fact that Prime Minister Kovacevski has emphasized that the elections will be regular, if this meeting does not produce a solution to the political deadlock, it may produce a “silent agreement” for a new “trial” of electoral legitimacy.
Otherwise, it remains largely unknown how things can develop, while the bearer of the concept for constitutional changes is an anemic SDSM, while it is opposed by a VMRO-DPMNE, which according to all polls has a significant lead in the electorate. The causes of this electoral report can be debated, but it seems that the time does not work for analysis, but for quick solutions, which must be sought within these 5-6 months.
North Macedonia has more than once faced such political conflicts, with such rhetoric, which have created moments of electoral mobilizations. Perhaps, like never before, a geostrategic crossroad is now in front of us, which means either the continuation of integration processes, or the entry into a type of isolation that remains largely unknown.