Saturday, July 27, 2024


All political parties agree on the creation of a government of independent experts, proposed by the political parties and known to the public, with experience and proven successes, of course receiving proposals from international partners and civil society. This government will have only one agenda, the process and reforms related to Euro integration, bypassing party and ideological agendas until the regular term of the parliamentary elections.

Author: Sefer Selimi Jr.

Now that the stage has been opened for negotiations between political parties to reach constitutional changes in order to continue full and unhindered integration into the European Union, political parties are expected to create more ambiguity, ambiguous statements and movements of continuous extreme poles of demands in order to get the most out of this process. What remains more important from the current situation is VMRO DPMNE’s de facto acceptance that the constitutional changes are not against the interests of ethnic Macedonians, but simply a matter of ways, means and party interests to reach them.

Convinced that the request for inclusion in the government, especially excluding DUI from the same, will not be accepted by the government majority, the chairman of VMRO DPMNE threw down the gauntlet of the challenge to the conference by proposing this formula as one of two maximalist demands in exchange for a majority of 2/3 of the deputies needed for constitutional changes. Quick and surprising was the reaction of the DUI, which expressed its willingness to voluntarily release the majority, a well-calculated move that put Mickovski in an unenviable position. But let’s analyze hypothetically how this might work.

Based on the past 3 experiences of technical governments that came according to the Perzhino formula, a technical government between VMRO DPMNE and SDSM cannot work. This will lead to deadlock in all processes and the proper functioning of the governing system, which is still sluggish and has many problems. Participation in the government will encourage a race of accusations and war within the same and soon it will lose focus and deviate from the purpose for which it was formed, making it almost impossible to carry out the program for which it will be created. the one with primary focus EU integrations. Therefore, I think it would be better to have this process and flow of events:

  1. 1. The constitutional amendments are completed at the end of October and entered into force with the formal opening of the first Cluster of negotiations. They are supported by all political parties and MPs of the RMV parliament.
  1. EU-cratic government – ​​All political parties agree on the creation of a government of independent experts, proposed by the political parties and known to the public, with experience and proven successes, of course receiving proposals from international partners as well and from civil society. This government will have only 1 agenda, the process and reforms related to Eurointegration, bypassing party and ideological agendas until the regular term of the parliamentary elections. This will also help in changing the Law on government to remove the 100-day technical government that has the mandate to organize the elections. This government will ensure that the European agenda is the headline of the next elections but also create a clear and strong strategy for the next government, creating an irreversible path towards integration in the European Union.

This would satisfy the demands of all parties, including that of VMRO DPMNE for a government without DUI and thus a vital step would be taken to avoid blocking the integration process by introducing the country into another decade of uncertainty and political instability. It is right for political parties to behave responsibly and put the interests of citizens before narrow personal, clan or party interests. The pressure created by the war in Ukraine is an opportunity that opens many paths and not all of them are good or in the interest of the citizens of North Macedonia, but one of them is also a fast and safer movement than ever before towards the Union European, and this should not be lost for any political bargain.

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