Saturday, July 27, 2024


The game of nerves between the groups in the DUI is likely to last, at least until the next parliamentary elections, or someone may lose their temper and pull him to snap, while the citizens among them and most of the voters and members of the DUI have the weather unnerved by the economic and political situation and the lack of perspective for themselves and their families

Author: Sefer Selimi Jr.

The situation within DUI is similar to the popular saying “Pull and don’t break” where both parties in the conflict are concrete in their positions and neither takes the next step to end this clash. Now that it is clear that the chairman of the party, Ali Ahmeti, has become a party to this conflict and has taken the protection of the group of officials led by Artan Grubi, it seems that he is not yet in a position to throw the last card on the table. that of de facto exclusion of the faction through dismissal from all leadership positions in the party. It was unofficially learned that the Supervisory Council of the party, which ironically was founded at the insistence of the “fire group”, has proposed to the chairman Ahmeti to dismiss from the party functions the faction led by the MP and the chairman of the Chair branch. , Izet Mejhiti for statutory violations. This can be read as a bluff or as an attempt to pressure through threats on the part of Ahmeti before the meeting where it was expected to discuss the grievances, and that for none of the purposes did not result, just as the dismissal of all government officials who were openly listed among the disaffected. Starting from the status quo in which the conflict enters, and if in the following days the head of DUI does not take the expected decision to dismiss, a long game of nerves will follow between the two parties, which unfortunately the public will have to tire their minds and waste time in DUI yard games. How can the status quo of the frozen conflict between the parties be maintained::

  1. 1. Pull it and don’t tear it – Ali Ahmeti will continue to blow the narrative that there is no such group in DUI and that there is no division in the party, while he will take all actions to isolate and marginalize the fire inside the party. Meanwhile, the faction of the disaffected will continue efforts to mobilize not only high functionaries within the party, but to gather all possible support from the base voters and through this increase the pressure on Ahmet to change his position. Getting out of this situation is almost impossible without defeating one side. What can also happen with the intention to save Ali Ahmet will be “burning” both parties in the conflict, and a third party, close to both factions, but not directly involved in the conflict, will capture the party .
  2. 2. Special information war – The parties are already in a fierce information battle among themselves. This war is waged mainly through negative campaigning, slander and belittling of the opponent. Social networks are overpopulated with fake profiles and anonymous pages spreading information sometimes harmful to the opposing party, and sometimes positive news in the service of the group for which they are propagating. Often times these posts can denigrate from personal issues to accusations of corruption and cooperation with criminal groups. However, the accusations have not culminated to be followed up with concrete facts, but continue to explode in the form of rumors and conspiracy theories, serving more as a message about the capacity and information they have for the opponents. If this clash will continue with the same intensity or will intensify based on the developments between the two groups, it is not at all strange that scandals and corrupt affairs will erupt in the public opinion, some of which are even more public secrets, but intact in the general opinion.
  1. Anarchy and democracy in DUI are also becoming part of the discourse – the chairman Ahmeti has on several occasions spoken out against anarchy within his party. In fact, the problem of Ahmet and DUI is not anarchy but the very mentality and form of action of this party, known by the phrase: In the end, the mayor will decide. If the statute of this party is analyzed as well as the history of the action, it can easily be concluded that the party is Ali Ahmeti and Ali Ahmeti is the party. The latter can decide on coalitions, their dissolution, their change, I can dismiss the head of the branch, I can dissolve the branch and all this both de jure based on the statute and de facto based on practice. Not infrequently, he has removed the narrow presidency and other party bodies before the act is done, and in such cases the democratic debate is useless, while the opposition can always be interpreted as a tendency towards anarchy. Therefore, democracy and anarchy in DUI are not defined according to the dictionary, but according to the interpretation of the one who always decides in the end, that is, the chairman of the party.

The game of nerves between the groups in the DUI is likely to last, at least until the next parliamentary elections, or someone may lose their nerve and pull him to snap, while the citizens among them and most of the voters and members of the DUI have the weather unnerved by the economic and political situation and the lack of perspective for themselves and their families.

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