Saturday, July 27, 2024


With a dose of bitterness and anger, I swallow the words of the Secretary General of NATO, Stoltenberg, that today the world is in the most difficult period since the Second World War and that the challenges are the same as before… LOUD ALARM! Should we be worried? – Yes! Short and clear! Especially considering that Stoltenberg made this statement during the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow.

Author: Katerina Topallova

“A united world is a better world than a divided world. But a divided world is a better world than a destroyed one.” This message of Winston Churchill makes so much sense today, considering that we live in a bipolar world, which is on the verge of implosion. Churchill’s message is prophetically (un)predictable, at least for those who want and can read between the lines, because we are talking about the man who in the history of mankind played a great role as the “tailor” of former world geopolitics and a strategist active in the Allied victory in World War II. That is, thanks to his vision, we today have and live in the world as we know it and understand it, with all its advantages and disadvantages… But thanks to him, today some issues that should have been solved right in his time, they cause us headache, and not only for us, but also for the players of the foreign scene… If once the “big three”, in times of war and challenges, met and decided on the future of the world, then they united against the greatest evil, Hitler’s Nazism, today the twisted world we live in is divided on all bases and is trying to save itself from destruction.

With a dose of bitterness and anger, I swallow the words of the Secretary General of NATO, Stoltenberg, that today the world is in the most difficult period since the Second World War and that the challenges are identical as before… LOUD ALARM! Should we be worried? – Yes! Short and clear! Especially considering that Stoltenberg made this statement during the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow.

Yalta is closer to Moscow than Washington?! What and how is the background of the meeting of the old-new allies, Russia and China? And would the result be identical to Churchill’s first speech in Parliament on 13 May 1940: “I would say to the House, as I have said to those who joined this Government, I have nothing to offer but blood, work , tears and sweat. . Before us is a test of the most difficult kind. We have many long months of work and effort ahead of us. Perhaps this is exactly what Stoltenberg wanted to tell us, using Churchill’s vocabulary?! But somehow he pronounced it with a dose of caution and uncertainty?!However!

At the time of victories and triumphs, Churchill and Roosevelt sat next to Stalin at the table, or to say again with a prophetic vocabulary: “A united world is a better world than when it is divided.” Today, Putin is kept away from the geopolitical table of the West, but in general, the impression is that Yalta today is a substitute for Moscow?! Instead of Churchill and Roosevelt, the second largest economy in the world sits at the table, China, whose economic influence and military power in the world are at an enviable level. The script and the dramaturgy, which require a fruitful “cinematographic” ending, in which we cannot just be silent witnesses.

Some connoisseurs will say… In order not to experience moments of temptation so uncertainly and dramatically, they should, if nothing else, have listened to and analyzed Henry Kissinger. No need to invent hot water! Everything has been said! Russia’s sphere of influence was and remains the European continent, while China’s sphere of influence is exactly Asia and Africa and the complete isolation of the former Commonwealth, but today the United States is at the top. Covid didn’t stop the Russian economic “invasion” of Europe, nor the Chinese one of Africa, but it postponed it, but the war in Ukraine and how it stopped things, preparing the world for the most terrible thing that had to happen to the Asian economy with the pandemic, and today successfully erects a new iron

And while someone out there is planning our future at the table, be it Moscow or Washington, from the world news after Stoltenberg’s dramatic press, I highlight: 1. The People’s Republic of China enters Hungary with the largest investment ever to build a battery factory . , following the freezing of EU funds in Budapest, giving a huge boost to the Hungarian economy. 2. The People’s Republic of China marks the anniversary of the construction of the Belgrade – Novi Sad high-speed railway to Budapest, the first phase of the vertical southeast link that is the focus of Chinese investment on European soil, with a future emphasis on the Balkans. 3. With a diplomatic (read economic) maneuver, the People’s Republic of China reconciles Iran and Saudi Arabia to the table, after a long period of hostility. 4. African citizens have started to treat the European ambassadors in their countries like babies, after complaints that the Chinese influence in African countries was greater than the European one (mocking video material)!? And as the last piece of information, I single out the fifth: “Behind the Universal Hall in Skopje, a road has collapsed, due to construction activities for the construction of a new facility.” Just illustrative, let’s capture the world around us, see where we live and where we are going?! Ambis, hole!

Finally, I will return to Churchill and a famous conversation of his, recorded by his biographer Sir Martin Gilbert, describing a brief dialogue between Mrs. Astor and Winston Churchill. The conversation is a paradigm of our life, it seems that we have always been an important factor in the world of geopolitical developments:

Mrs. Astor: “If I were married to you, I would put poison in your coffee.”

Winston Churchill: “If I were married to you, I would drink it with pleasure.”

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