It is precisely in these coordinates that the entire commitment of the Albanian political subjects, all the political sense that should interfere with European values, should be seen. It is political maturity, that despite the struggles, the Albanian political subjects maintain within themselves this constant political and cultural orientation displayed over time also as a demos will among the Albanians. Of course, Albanian political subjects, in no case, regardless of the momentary despair they may have, should not give in to political ideas of temporary objections, but should maintain within themselves the constants of commitment that have already been sublimated in the idea of equality full of Albanians in North Macedonia. Undoubtedly, Albanian citizens in all relevant surveys have shown the indisputable will of European orientation, which actually represents their identity constant, which comes as a historical aspiration.
Author: Bardhyl Zaimi
In the turbulent Balkans, there will always be historical turns and there will always be a relationship to be interpreted with Europe. In a context of such a historical turning point, the Balkans are again, especially after the war in Ukraine, namely after Russia’s brutal aggression against the Ukrainian people. The geostrategic realignments are already starting to take shape, while two hot spots in the region, the talks between Kosovo and Serbia and the constitutional changes in North Macedonia, as it seems in time will give meaning to the entire orientation of the region in the future. Precisely, in this complicated constellation, other dynamics appear in political life, but also different types of political protagonism that require political attention. Of course, all this remains legitimate within the framework of political pluralism and the functioning of democracy, but sometimes these political ideas, when they are displayed without thinking well and maybe at the wrong time, can create confusion and parallelism of peace. Attentive analysts have already emphasized several times that this is a time of political finality that above all requires knowledge, maturity, proper alignment and resonance with all the efforts of Europe and the Western world to reconceive and rearticulate its vision in relation to Russia, which is insisting on maintaining the doctrines of the past with the brutality of force that pose a threat to the entire international security system.
It is precisely in these coordinates that the entire commitment of Albanian political subjects, all the political sense that interferes with European values, should be seen. It is considered maturity and prudence, that regardless of the political struggles, the Albanian political subjects maintain within themselves this constant political and cultural orientation displayed over time also as the will of the demos among the Albanians. Of course, Albanian political subjects, in no case, regardless of the momentary despair they may have, should not give in to political ideas of temporary objections, but should maintain within themselves the constants of commitment that have already been sublimated in the idea of equality full of Albanians in North Macedonia. Undoubtedly, Albanian citizens in all relevant surveys have shown the indisputable will of European orientation, which actually represents their identity constant that comes as a historical aspiration.
Of course, in political battles we will also have clashes of concepts, political dynamics of party identifications, depending on whether a party is in power or opposition, which remain normal for democratic life. And, of course, no political idea can be demonized. But the transitions from one concept to another must always be natural and effortless and always bearing in mind certain geostrategic contexts and political processes that are at the epicenter of the international factor, such as in this case the dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia and constitutional changes in North Macedonia.
As it is already seen, due to the war in Ukraine and due to concerns that the Balkans could be another training ground for instability, we have a much greater commitment of the international factor in the region to resolve or finalize some issues that will to eat the path of European integration of the countries of the region.
In fact, regardless of the deviations and deficiencies that certain individuals and groups may have, the figures show that the EU has been the largest investor in the countries of the region and continues to be with much greater intensity. With millions of euros, the EU has invested in concrete development projects, in strengthening democracy, in the fight against corruption and in opening new perspectives. It remains very important for citizens to be informed about these investments, because the commitment of the EU in any case is not only declarative, but on the contrary very concrete and long-term.
Precisely, bearing in mind this commitment of the EU, bearing in mind the values it is promoting and cultivating, the only path of all the Balkan countries remains that of European integration, which represents a historical aspiration and at the same time a secure future. for all Balkan countries. Albanians in this context, namely the political subjects that represent them, must honestly and with great dedication politically cultivate these constants of European affirmations as a political and cultural essence.
Political dynamics have meaning only within this matrix of orientation, which means the EU, its values, everything that represents a democratic system, dignity and freedom. Any deviation from this premise can create confusion and disorientation chaos.