Saturday, July 27, 2024


The conference on economic education marks a step forward in the direction of affirming new concepts, which already seem to remain indispensable for all citizens. Acquaintance with new concepts and practices, such as in this case economic education, is undoubtedly attributed to the Liberal Alternative Institute, which with creativity, professionalism and dedication managed to present in Tetovo an idea, concept and practice generally lacking in North Macedonia. The affirmation of these concepts undoubtedly means interaction, institutional responsibility, functional educational vision, social cohesion and, above all, citizenship.

Author: Bardhyl Zaimi

The challenges of modernity remain permanent and in most cases they come together with actors who are at the frequencies of new ideas, global trends, but also unconquered innovative spaces. The emergence of global experiences, innovative ideas remains essential for societies that are trying to break away from the traditional, that are trying to recognize the difficult transformation in social, social and cultural concepts that go beyond our usual apathy and cynicism.

It is always good news when events are organized in an apathetic space such as ours, which affirm new trends of modern concepts rarely present in North Macedonia. The conference “Economic Education: Necessary Skills of the 21st Century” held on Saturday in Tetovo, organized by the Alternative Liberal Institute, represents just such an event. A conference that with its content, competence and participation managed to convey to the public the idea of ​​economic education as a very important dimension of contemporary life, but also as a paradigm of thought and implementation that creates predispositions for economic development and social stability and social.

This conference brought together experts, university professors, representatives of economic and financial institutions, government representatives, university professors, representatives from the business world and civil society. Through well-thought-out presentations, the panelists at this conference managed to conceptually address the idea of ​​economic education, presenting the all-encompassing buzz of global digital trends as well as presenting to the participants in-depth analyses, concrete examples, data and visions of what needs to be done in the future as a state.

All these contents of competent panelists guided the idea of ​​media education, which remains a missing dimension in North Macedonia. The idea of ​​economic education was treated in a broad conceptual sense, in sync with all that the dizzying development of the technological world implies. Also, through in-depth analysis, the panelists reveal the many dissonances of the education system in relation to the labor market, but also the pronounced lack of economic education in North Macedonia.

This conference with academic explorations, with diagnoses on institutional, economic and social realities and with deep analyzes of university curricula, which must now be adapted to the labor market, with scientific elegance managed to reveal the idea of ​​economic education as a necessity to create the necessary interaction of citizens with economic developments, but also to manage family budgets, investments and business initiatives.

The conference on economic education marks a step forward in the direction of affirming new economic concepts, which already seem to remain indispensable for all citizens. Acquaintance with new concepts, such as economic education in this case, is undoubtedly attributed to the Liberal Alternative Institute, which with creativity, professionalism and dedication managed to present in Tetovo an idea, concept and practice generally lacking in North Macedonia. The affirmation of these concepts undoubtedly means interaction, functional educational vision, social and social cohesion and, above all, citizenship. 

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