Friday, July 26, 2024


– Then why do you look so worried?

– Do you think it is easy to be an optimist?!

-A pessimist is always afraid that he is right.

Author: Katerina Topallova

An ancient Chinese proverb says: May God wish you to live in interesting times! I wonder, mother or blessing?! What does it mean, ironically, to wish someone difficulties and trouble in his life? In other words, it is far from a blessing and much closer to a curse… The idea is that life is actually better in the “uninteresting times”, when things are quiet and peaceful, as opposed to the “interesting times” of chaos, disputes, wars, pandemics and other dangers.

In this case, “the course” seems to offer one good wishes for a happy existence, although the meaning is the opposite: the hope of living a turbulent life… Therefore, we should not let the future worry us. Or to put it in Draker’s vocabulary: “the best way to predict the future is to create it.” Only in this way will we be at peace! That is why we partially left behind our “interesting times” last year, so that in the new year 2023 we take with us the predictable ones, and the “intriguing” and “admirable” ones, to say the least. “horrible”., which would surprise us, we’ll leave it to fate… However, like it or not, we seem cursed, today we certainly live in interesting times!

I will start with OPTIMISM. The latest research and analysis made for 2023 in a total of 36 countries of the world by the global leader in world market research IPSOS, show us that at the global level citizens try to be optimistic about 2023, but most of them express concern about the situation economic, environmental and world security. Of course, these three topics will be the main focus this year… 60 percent of respondents say they feel optimistic that 2023 will be better than 2022, but down 12 percentage points from last year’s survey and the most the lowest ever recorded.

Taking into account the observed bad economic situation caused by the war in Ukraine, the post-covid trauma – which we still have to heal in 2023, as well as the huge environmental pollution, I can state “optimistically” that there is no analysis. and the research that may affect our consciousness in the coming year, and the IPSOS figures, individually by chapter, at least confirm my concern… We seem to have been gripped by collective insanity! Or as the famous American writer and philosopher Robert Pirsig would say: “When analytical thought – the knife, is applied to experience, something is always killed in the process.” And there will certainly be casualties! Thus, reading the analysis of the prestigious Parisian company about what year awaits us, emphasizing the increased optimism, I remembered that Jewish anecdote when a group of pensioners meet in a bar and discuss the events in the world. One of them shocked his friends by saying:

“I am optimistic though.”

Another asks, “Then why do you look so worried?”

Answer: “You think it’s easy to be optimistic?!”

All these optimistic feelings for the New Year somehow find us with our mouths half open. Feelings mixed with defeatism, skepticism and distrust. Let’s not be rude and say “pessimism” – the year is still ahead of us. Let’s wait and see, then comment…

Despite the large number of analysis and research about 2023 and the unexpected results of the same, people still want to believe in a better tomorrow, fantastic stories that hint at a fabulous future. Something we will see in the stars or find in old and ancient manuscripts. Thus, these days the front pages of the world’s tabloids and newspapers are filled with predictions and phantasmagoric interpretations of the unknown… The predictions of the famous astrologer Michel de Nostradamus, who made a series of terrifying predictions in his book Les Propheties more than once year ago, they are moving in that direction. 450 years…

From cannibals to disaster on Mars” are his visions for 2023. He predicts that the emergence of cannibalism will occur due to a failed world economy, or to put it in vulgar terms “we will eat people alive”. This apparently predicts that the cost of living crisis will continue until 2023, and of course the reference to “cannibalism” is metaphorical. Another prediction (vision) that stands out for 2023 is the “Great War”. This prediction may be a reference to the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which could escalate into World War III this year.

He predicts in his book that humanity’s quest to colonize Mars, led by tech entrepreneur and Twitter owner Elon Musk, could come to a halt in 2023. The prophet wrote that there would be “heavenly fire when the lights of Mars turn off”. I will be ironic, let Musk’s team think that it is supposed to land on the “green planet”, as part of the Space X program… And of course there are catastrophic predictions for the environment, global warming, as well as the increasing number of riots and demonstrations in the street. Not very optimistic when we read like this?! After all, every hypochondriac is his own prophet, was Mr. Lovell so?

He predicts in his book that humanity’s quest to colonize Mars, led by tech entrepreneur and Twitter owner Elon Musk, could come to a halt in 2023. The prophet wrote that there would be “heavenly fire when the lights of Mars turn off”. I will be ironic, let Musk’s team think that it is supposed to land on the “green planet”, as part of the Space X program… And of course there are catastrophic predictions for the environment, global warming, as well as the increasing number of riots and demonstrations in the street. Not very optimistic when we read like this?! After all, every hypochondriac is his own prophet, was Mr. Lovell so?

Reassuring news will come, however, from the Far East, which enters the year of the Water Rabbit. The rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity in Chinese culture, so 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. As for Macedonia and its future, it seems that one more year we will buy green bananas, we will wait for them to ripen before eating them… In fact, the pessimist is always afraid that he is right.


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