Friday, July 26, 2024


It seems that the political parties and their exponents in the central and local governments, this end of the year, are more preoccupied with the polls that are coming out and will come out than with the preparations for welcoming the new year. Rightly so: the economic-energy crisis, the social crisis, it is not that it is not felt all over the continent of the world and consequently also among us. But the approach of the elections seems to increase the political adrenaline.


The 32nd president of the United States of America, the democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is the only head of the White House who completed four consecutive terms in the presidential elections there, in a turbulent time for both his country and his continent, as well as worldwide due to the outbreak of World War II. It was He who aligned the USA alongside the Allies. Roosevelt was in power at the time of the severe economic crisis, known as the Great Depression, but as a born statesman, during the presidential campaign, but also on the occasion of the inauguration, the president delivered a powerful message, when he said that “The only thing that we must be afraid of it, it is fear itself” (1934). That world, to say people were faced with a reality that can be compared to this today, among us. “These dark days will be beneficial to us if we learn lessons and understand well that our destiny is not to wait to be saved, but to save ourselves and our countrymen,” Roosevelt said, putting into existence the debatable innovative program “New Deal” which meant a whole package of measures for the reactivation of the economy and the increase of production, the regulation of consumption and the intervention of the state in the economy, especially in the banking system.

I deliberately returned to this past history to emphasize that it is the last time that political parties should more courageously offer solutions to confront and successfully overcome this “fear” that is really escalating us, so as a result, it is the moment to make what I would call a change in governance style. I think that for this we should not “reveal America”, but by practicing the standards of what, let’s say, the European Union requires, by practicing the Brussels therapy for the indisputable diagnosis in the field of the rule of law or the fight against corruption and of organized crime in all levers of power, be it central or local. The next elections, therefore, should be a good chance to articulate strategies and programs that will not only be in function of “luring” voters for D-day, to ensure victory, but to make it more well the life of the citizen. Geopolitical developments, influences and interventions, why not even pressures from outside, it is not that they are not and will not be present even in this campaign. And, it seems to me that the country’s strategic partners are also saying this, it is time for the main political forces to overcome themselves. I say “transcend” in the sense of bringing new values: Positive and oppositional Macedonian-Albanian camps are already being outlined. Experts in the field, as well as sociologists and psychologists, admit that ethnically mixed pre-election coalitions would do a lot of good to society in general. Because the political parties would not consider “the members of their own ranks” to hit, even with the gun removed, neither the “Albanians nor the Macedonians”, but instead the race would take place, without ethnic tensions, for standard value, for responsibility and accountability. Therefore, whether Kovacevski, Micskoski or even Apasievi, on the one hand, and Ahmeti, Taravari or even Kasami, on the other hand, will manage to make a “New Deal”, remains to be seen. This, I don’t think, depends on all the political parties and their exponents in the central and local governments. They and they, beyond the preoccupation with the polls that are coming out and will come out, should think about the problems and challenges: The economic-energy crisis, the social crisis, it is not that it is not felt all over the continent of the world and consequently also among us. Solutions are required, to throw away the question: Is the Great Depression coming back?!

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