Last week, two officials became famous for misbehaving and threatening media workers because they did not like the work of their fellow journalists. But, they are only one case in a series of cases. Journalists, unfortunately, are used to this behavior, but they never stopped showing the country to the officials, who have forgotten their responsibilities.
Author: Katerina Topallova
“The person who performs an important, socially responsible function, the one who is in a high position in a social organization, political party, etc.” This is the definition of official initiation.
This definition includes responsibility not only in work, but also in the behavior of this person. Accountability for the work performed, possible journalistic questions about misuse, suspicions or way of working.
This definition requires that the person who has accepted to perform the official duty should put aside his ego, have the obligation to be polite, patient and moderate, respond accurately and in time to inform the public about the purpose and the work.
Unfortunately, it happens more and more often that newly appointed officials cannot carry the burden of the position they have taken. They believe that the position gives them strength and power to be above their responsibilities, to act arbitrarily and to have no patience for journalistic curiosity.
The example of two officials who inappropriately dared to belittle, insult and threaten journalists is just one part of the series of figures who stayed temporarily in official positions and became famous for their bad character.
Honorable, the profession of journalism is an important link of society, however low its standards may be! It should not be ignored or belittled because not everyone who has done it has ever ended up winning. Because journalists are the face of the public, and the public gives you the opportunity to be in the position you are in! Journalists have to do their job, make a living from it, have to ask questions because that’s their job and duty, no matter how much you don’t like the questions.
There are rules and if you think the journalist has broken them, contact the associations, unions, ethics council and even the courts. There are instances that punish and urinate, but in this case it is certainly not you!
Insults, or hopefully God forbid it happens, hitting the journalist, means a hit for all media workers, for the entire public! That punch and that swearing come back like a boomerang. Because it means that you did not understand the responsibility and duty, you violated part of the rules that you undertook to respect when you ascended to that position.
Journalists are not punching bags!